Self Mastery Series

Slicing Through

the Veil of the Ego

A self-paced course with Mark & Sara on mastering a skill set that lets you peel back layers of limiting beliefs and liberate yourself from old patterns.

Transformative knowledge awaits...

Prepare to dive into a reservoir of techniques, insights, and strategies that I've personally honed.

This isn’t just about sharing knowledge; it's about equipping you with a toolkit for continuous


By taking the skills learned in years of sword-fighting and combining them with my own personal transformation, I have forged a unique process that cuts straight to the core of understanding and mastering the ways of the ego.

Ego can sometimes feel like a blockade on your path to spiritual and personal ascension

The twist, however, is not in battling the ego as an adversary but in understanding that the ego isn’t actually your problem.

It's the identity beliefs that the ego protects that often entrap us in cycles of emotional loops that become problematic to overcome.

By targeting these core identity beliefs rather than skimming the surface of recurring symptoms, we unlock a surprisingly manageable pathway to liberation.

Who are you, really?

Shedding identity beliefs is akin to changing costumes—once you see them as optional, you can choose an entirely new wardrobe.

The real magic happens when the ego aligns with these new choices, paving the way for your spiritual growth to soar, unburdened.

Sounds straightforward? It is, and I'm here to guide you through this enlightening process with actionable steps.

The 9 Thieves Of Emotional Sovereignty

These are 9 most common areas of personal identity beliefs that we will structure the course around.

Each topic will have its own seminar that goes into more detail. Through my own practice of working with the ego and identity beliefs, I developed these topics because they were the biggest source of my own obstacles to my spiritual journey.

All of my clients have found that these 9 Thieves also apply to their lives.

Take a look and see if any of these resonates with you.


Wanting Approval from Others

Who doesn’t want approval from others right? But, when you mix your identity of worthiness into approval seeking, it can become harmful when you don’t get the approval.


Judging Others & Ourselves

We tend to be our own worst critics. What does your internal dialogue sound like when it comes to judging yourself and others?


Endlessly Defending Ourselves

When others question our process, motives or behavior, how do we react? Is taking things personal the norm for you? Do you resort to defending yourself, over explaining or putting up walls?


Seeking Validation

We often hunt for the biggest trophy in life, like getting that PhD, or making a million dollars to put that shiny golden badge on display, validating our opinions and behaviors.


Holding on to Shame & Guilt

Something that happened to you or something that you did may be causing you to hide, withdraw, or neglect important aspects of your life. How do you hold onto shame and guilt?


Allowing Fears to Control

our Thoughts

Fears are the number one blockage of change and growth and the list of fears can be endless.

Do you allow fears to come and go, or do they get stuck in your nervous system?


Wearing Masks & Shields of Protection

When our feelings get hurt or when we get damaged, we tend to put on a mask of “feeling ok” or we put up walls and shields so it can’t happen again.What masks and shields are you wearing?


Projecting our Reality onto Others

We are all unique with our own values, opinions and knowledge, but do we force that onto others without hearing their same values, opinions and knowledge?


Avoidance and Distraction

When the work becomes overbearing and too much, we tend to shut down, avoid and distract ourselves with myriads of distractions.

What is that one thing you have been avoiding for far too long?

It's time to reveal your true self beyond the ego's shadow.

Join us to slice through the illusions, unveil your true essence, and step into a life of clarity and empowerment.



Slicing Through the Veil of the Ego

with Mark

Embrace a journey that's as strategic as it is insightful. Drawing from Carl Jung's insights and blending them with the potent practice of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), we embark on a mission to redefine belief systems within a framework of lessons learned from sword fighting techniques. EFT isn't just another tool; it's a scientifically backed approach to emotional and physical release, serving as your sword to cut through the ego's veil.

A lifetime empowerment

This course isn’t just a temporary fix; it's an investment in your lifelong journey of growth. From foundational knowledge to advanced practices, you'll gain the autonomy to refine your beliefs and actions.

Mastery through simplicity

As a longtime sword-fighting instructor, I've learned the most impactful strikes are those delivered with precision and grace—much like our method. This is about adopting a skillful master’s strategy towards self-improvement, with each step deliberately enhancing your life’s quality.

Here's a quick preview of what this program has to offer

This is for you if...

  • You're an individual with an open mind and a heart courageous enough to question and redefine the very foundations of your identity
  • You've sensed the potential for change within you, longing to become the architect of your own being
  • You're ready to slice through the layers of beliefs imposed by society, upbringing, and personal experiences to reveal the empowered, fluid identity beneath

What you can expect...

  • A guidance through each session blends Jungian psychology's rich insights with specialized somatic practices, forming the bedrock of your transformative experience
  • Navigate the "9 Thieves"—the most common areas where identity beliefs may hold you back
  • Learn to reprogram your identity through tailored somatic practices, embracing new beliefs and ways of being that resonate with your truest self

What's on the other side...

  • Uncover opportunities to liberate yourself from old patterns
  • Gain the knowledge to continue evolving independently
  • Strong self-empowerment with the peace and freedom of crafting your identity

What's included:

  • 10 online sessions, featuring in-depth discussions and live demonstrations.
  • Comprehensive Slicing Through the Veil of the Ego curriculum covering the "9 Thieves."
  • Guided coaching to navigate your transformation.
  • Practical homework assignments to deepen your learning.
  • An inclusive community group for shared growth and support.


  • Custom-designed somatic exercises to support the release of old identity attachments.
  • Lifetime access to all session recordings.
  • A step-by-step workbook guiding you through each phase of your journey.

Hi, I'm Mark

I specialize in empowering my clients to break free from limiting beliefs, enabling them to step into their full potential with confidence and clarity.

My life narrative is one of continual transformation and empowerment, overcoming substance abuse, addiction, depression and a myriad of traumas. With a decade-long track as a sword-fighting instructor, I have mastered the art of precision, strength, and the subtle dynamics of the sword.

These skills are not just physical for me; they are deeply metaphorical, embodying the journey of cutting through life's illusions to uncover the true essence.

Transitioning from the martial to the healing arts, I have become a dedicated EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) practitioner. My practice is centered on guiding individuals through the process of emotional and psychological liberation. By addressing the root causes of emotional entanglement, I help my clients slice through the protective veils of the ego, facilitating a path to true inner peace and self-actualization.

My unique blend of sword-fighting discipline and emotional healing techniques forms the cornerstone of my approach to personal growth.

Hi, I'm Sara

I am a Business Mastery & Evolutionary Manifestation Mentor on a mission to establish peace, harmony, and freedom for the planet.

Infused with a unique blend of earthly grounding and ethereal insight, I specialize as a spiritual guide, bridging the realms between the tangible world and the spiritual plane.

My unparalleled ability to manifest visions into reality isn’t just a personal gift but a skill I passionately impart to my mentees.

I was the initial spark that birthed Living with The Spirit, triggering a domino effect of growth and evolution that is ceaselessly unfolding.

Beyond being the heart of the organization, I'm also the visionary architect, crafting the blueprint for Living with The Spirit’s creative journey forward.

Going through each of the 9 thieves has made me more aware of my thinking process and behavior patterns. I have been able to create a pause between acting and reacting.

The EFT sessions are a great additional support, I can feel the energy flow through my body as we do it, regardless of doing this virtually, I feel your kind, caring, and empowering energy as if I were back at the retreat doing EFT sessions in person with you.

It has helped me navigate the complex social world around us (especially during this time when the world can feel tense at times) with so much more compassion and kindness, rather than being driven solely by my instinctual desires.

In conclusion, this course has heightened my awareness of my own ego, I feel a sense of increased empathy and understanding of others, and it also helps me communicate more effectively with others, as I can now better understand and recognize that everyone has their own ego and motivations that drive their behaviours.


Your Investment

$555 USD

When you purchase this course, upgrade to include a private session with Mark for just $222. This combination of the self-paced course and personalized coaching has helped many achieve remarkable transformations.