The Rise of

The Sacred Union

Journey with Sara, Simba & Mark on this self-paced online relationship course. Tailored for conscious leaders seeking genuine, profound connections, be it with a partner, friend, family, or their inner self.

Not just general advice and clichés about relationships - It's time to get real!

Are you a conscious leader eager for genuine, deep connections? Whether it's with a partner, a friend, family, or even yourself?

With "The Rise of The Sacred Union," we're not just talking about regular relationship counseling. We're immersing into the dance of masculine and feminine energies, delving into wounds that often hold us back, and mastering the art of heartful communication.

With Sara, Simba, and Mark by your side, you'll uncover the layers of relationships—from the ancient tales of sacred unions across cultures to the reflections in our everyday life.

Feel the pull of polarizing energies? That's the magnetism of the masculine and feminine within us.

Facing communication barriers? Learn to navigate conversations from a place of genuine understanding, sidestepping the biases that cloud our perceptions.

Imagine having these powerful tools right in your pocket...

Genuine, heartful communication skills, enabling you to resonate from the heart, sidestepping miscommunication and misunderstanding.

Harmony in your relationships by understanding the dance of masculine and feminine energies, forging relationships that are a balance of strength and softness.

✨ The ability to view challenges as growth opportunities, leading to profound understanding and deepened connections.

✨ Insightful understanding of your own energy patterns and wounds, providing clarity on their impact and the path towards healing.

Clear strategies to address past traumas and repetitive conflicts, paving the way for stronger bonds, filled with love and empathy.

Lasting tools and exercises for a heart-centered life, ensuring you flourish in relationships that mirror the essence of the sacred union.

✨ Redefine relationships and let every interaction bloom with understanding, compassion, and balance.

Connecting genuinely isn't just about forming bonds;

it’s about the depth and authenticity of those connections.

Redefine relationships and let every interaction bloom with understanding, compassion, and balance.

When you resonate from a place of depth and authenticity,

everything changes

Do you feel a pull, sensing that The Rise of The Sacred Union is the transformative journey you've been yearning for?

How We Rise in Union...



Feminine & Masculine

Energy Balancing

We'll commence our journey by diving deep into the core of relationships - the dance of energies.

Understanding the pull of opposites, the feminine and the masculine, will set the foundation for crafting relationships that thrive on harmony.



The Art of Navigating Yourself & Others

Building on our energetic foundation, you'll hone the art of heartful communication.

This module empowers you to sidestep the fickle mind and truly resonate from the heart, ensuring every interaction is genuine and empathic.


Building Trust

The Foundation of Sacred Relationships

Trust is the cornerstone of any meaningful relationship. This module offers guidance on how to build trust, not just with your partner but also within yourself. Explore practices that foster mutual respect and reliability. By investing time and energy into trust, you allow for a more balanced and fulfilling relationship.


Reflective Partnership

Holding the Mirror for Accountability

Accountability is crucial in any relationship, and the practice of mirroring can help illuminate your blind spots. In this segment, you'll engage in exercises that allow for vulnerability, showing you to hold both yourself and your partner accountable for actions and words.

Through this balanced accountability, you'll learn to navigate the relationship landscape with both sensitivity and clarity.


From Fire to Water

Transforming Reactivity

& Conflict

Conflict is natural but dealing with

it constructively is an art.

This module helps you understand the root causes of reactivity and how to transform conflicts into opportunities for deeper understanding.

You'll gain practical tools to diffuse tension and turn disagreements into gateways for both individual and collective growth.


Creating Sanctuary

The Art of Sacred Space Holding

Intentionality brings a unique depth to relationships. In this final section, you'll explore techniques for setting up spaces and times conducive for deep conversations and reflections. Learn to create an environment where both voices can be heard, fostering a harmonious balance in your relationship. With tips on adapting schedules and keeping the work alive, this module is the icing on the cake for maintaining a healthy, lifelong relationship.

"Joining the Sacred Union course was a transformative journey that deepened my connection with my partner and reshaped our relationship in profound ways. The course, led by compassionate guides who generously shared their wisdom, became a sanctuary where we could explore the dynamics of masculine and feminine energies and their impact on our bond.

It was an eye-opening experience to recognize how vital it is for me to feel the presence of strong, supportive masculine energy to feel secure. My partner's realization of the significance of embodying this energy marked a turning point for us, fostering a newfound closeness and mutual respect. Equally enlightening was our exploration of control dynamics, often misconstrued as nagging, which stemmed from a deeper need for understanding and security. This understanding brought clarity and compassion to our interactions, smoothing the way for healthier, more supportive communication.

The course equipped us with practical tools for addressing challenges constructively, prioritizing listening, appreciation, and support over conflict. One of the most valuable lessons we learned was the importance of honesty and integrity in reinforcing trust and reliability within our relationship.

Reflecting on our journey, I'm filled with gratitude for the space the Sacred Union course provided us to grow, understand, and love each other more deeply. It's a testament to the transformative power of dedicated self-work and the magic that unfolds when two people commit to navigating life's complexities together. Thank you for guiding us through this beautiful journey of discovery and connection."

- Annelie & Christer

When you join the rise of the sacred union you'll receive:

  • The Sacred Union Curriculum

Consider this your go-to compass for deepening relationships, offering a holistic approach from crafting meaningful connections to balancing energies effectively.

  • Guided Group Coaching

Engage in weekly group coaching sessions, where you, along with couples and singles, receive live recorded guidance to address real-life challenges. Let Sara, Mark, and Simba walk you through the intricacies of relationships, helping you uncover layers and find balance.

  • Hands-On Homework Assignment

Weekly transformative homework exercises designed to bring about lasting change in your relationship dynamics. Whether you're exploring this journey alone or with a partner, these exercises will be your stepping stones to deeper connections.


  • Customized EFT Videos

Based on the needs and resonance of the group, you'll get a minimum of 3 custom-made guided EFT videos. These are designed to address specific challenges and blocks, facilitating healing and harmony.

  • Tailored Meditation Sessions

Based on the needs and resonance of the group, you'll get a minimum of 3 custom-made guided EFT videos. These are designed to address specific challenges and blocks, facilitating healing and harmony.

  • Lifetime Access to Recorded Sessions

All our sessions are recorded and made available to you on our online platform. Anytime, anywhere, you can dive back into the wisdom of The Sacred Union.

Your Investment


One-off payment

  • Lifetime access to the Sacred Union curriculum
  • Lifetime access to our 'Navigate Your Stress' Masterclass
  • Lifetime access to our 'Grounding Journey' Masterclass
  • Do it at your own pace to give you the flexibility, autonomy, and convenience you need to pursue your goals on your terms

Lasting tools and exercises for a heart-centred life and genuine relationships

Dive into the dance of masculine and feminine energies, and master heartful communication. Invest in yourself and the relationships that craft the fabric of your life.

Love Beyond Symbols with

Living with The Spirit

Experience love beyond the conventional. It's about genuine connections and celebrating the depth and vitality of our bonds.

You're on the precipice of something transformative. It's not just about redefining relationships, it's about redefining your very essence—how you connect, love, and resonate with the world around you. Every relationship can be a mirror to your soul, a dance of energies, an art of heartful communication.

The path to crafting conscious connections awaits.

Dive deep into your inner self and explore the dance of masculine and feminine energies. The universe is nudging you, the whispers of your heart beckon, and the call for genuine, profound connections is clear.

Remember, it's not just about others. It's about you. Your balance, your power, your dance, your communication. Embrace this journey, not as a challenge, but as an opportunity for growth, love, and deep understanding.

You are worthy of the kind of connection and balance you've been yearning for.

It's not just a dream.

It's not only for others.

It's within your reach.

And with Living with The Spirit, we're here to journey with you every step of the way.

Let today be the day you decide to dive deeper, face the challenges, and emerge with connections that resonate with authenticity and depth. The universe has its magic, and it's nudging you towards this transformative journey.

Embrace it, understand it, and let it flourish.

Are you ready to step into the dance of energies, to understand the challenges, and to flourish in relationships that mirror the essence of the sacred union?

If yes, this transformative journey with Living with The Spirit awaits you.

No more wishing, no more waiting.

It's your moment.

Let's craft these conscious connections together.

Meet Your Guides

Sara, the Spiritual Matriarch of

Living with The Spirit

Drawing from a deep reservoir of feminine wisdom, Sara is the embodiment of matriarchal leadership at Living with The Spirit.

Every creation at the farm is nurtured by her touch, making her the beating heart and visionary soul behind its every endeavor. Her energy is inspiring, driving everyone to reach their utmost potential, always with an eye towards uplifting their spirit and frequency.

A candid communicator, Sara’s vast heart is evident in her comforting embrace. Her mastery in shadow work is unparalleled, but it’s her gift of truly seeing individuals, mirroring their essence, and guiding them home that sets her apart. With every interaction, Sara lights the flame of life’s passion in her clients, ensuring they shine their brightest.

Simba, the Luminous Healer

Delving beyond the confines of traditional teachings, Simba is often revered as the ‘teacher’s teacher’, an emblem of wisdom who guides other educators towards profound insights.

With the hands of a bodyworker magician, he intricately knits the physical with the ethereal, weaving a tapestry of healing that many have described as nothing short of magical.

A gifted intuitive empath, Simba possesses a rare ability to tap into the energies of those around him, offering insights and guidance that transcend the realms of the ordinary.

His depth of knowledge is vast and ventures into unknown territories, making him an invaluable resource for those seeking answers to life’s most intricate questions.

Mark, the Harmonious Alchemist of Life

In the vast tapestry of the universe, Mark stands as a masterful weaver, deeply attuned to the Universal Laws.

His teachings resonate with a profound truth – that everything, from the tiniest atom to the vast galaxies, is intricately connected.

Navigating the dance of duality, Mark balances the masculine and feminine energies, fostering a union of strength and softness.

Bestowed with the title ‘Master of the Sword’, Mark illuminates pathways to empowerment, fostering courage and amplifying inner voices, enabling individuals to tap into their reservoirs of inner strength.

When does “The Rise of The Sacred Union” start?

This is a self-paced course, so you have the flexibility to study and progress through the material at your own preferred speed.

When will we get access to the recordings/modules?

You will get immediate access to the training portal.

What if I don't feel the deep connections and insights I'm hoping for? Is there a refund option?

We do not offer refunds. At Living with The Spirit, we truly trust in the transformation that "The Rise of The Sacred Union" can ignite. Yet, every soul's path is distinct. We're here to provide tools and wisdom that have the potential to reshape your world. Remember, the journey requires your active participation. Since it's a group setting, everyone's experience will naturally differ. If you're seeking more tailored guidance, consider diving into our Holistic Lifestyle Redesign Mentorship or maybe even our Retreats in Thailand.

I'm currently struggling deeply in my relationships. Is “The Rise of The Sacred Union” a good fit for me?

Absolutely. The course is designed for those who feel disconnected, be it in romantic or personal relationships. Our aim is to help you delve into the issues, heal wounds, and craft more conscious, fulfilling relationships.

I'm currently in a balanced, fulfilling relationship. Is “The Rise of The Sacred Union” a good fit for me?

Yes, it's a journey tailored not just for those facing challenges but also for those wanting to deepen and enrich their already strong bonds. Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or just seeking to better understand yourself, there's something in the course for everyone.

Heart work pays off!

“It´s like when you are in a flow and everything seems effortless. We call it a way of life where you align your mind-body-soul in order to fully be responsible for your own decisions and to create your own happiness. Try it! Start with something small and build your way up.” – Sara & Simba


312 Baan Bpaa Mai Daeng Soi 17
Doi Saket District 50220

Chiang Mai. Thailand

All rights reserved "Living with the Spirit"