5-Day TRE® Provider

Mastery Retreat

Learn Hands-On Interventions & Combine TRE®

with Somatic Modalities

Welcome to our transformative 5-Day TRE® Provider Mastery Retreat at the serene Living with The Spirit Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand - November 2024

This immersive retreat is designed exclusively for TRE® Providers, Provider Trainers, and Certification Trainers seeking to deepen their practice and enhance their professional skills.

Throughout this retreat, you'll learn to integrate TRE® with other powerful modalities, enhancing your personal development and professional practice.

Experience deep interventions, tremor sessions, and a holistic approach to TRE® that incorporates various bodywork and energy techniques.

Experience TRE® firsthand

Gain the tools, knowledge, and skills to guide your clients and yourself through the tremoring process more effectively.

Day 1

Bodywork Thai,

Chi Nei-Tsang, and TCM

Thai Massage, Chi Nei-Tsang, and Traditional Chinese Medicine offer a variety of tools that are highly integrative with TRE® practice. These techniques deepen the individual’s connection to their organs and autonomic nervous system, creating a deeper sense of embodiment and ways to practically open up blockages on all levels—physical, emotional, energetic, and mental.

Day 2

Breathwork and

Breathing Practices

Conscious Connected Breathwork is a deep-working modality that complements TRE® perfectly, allowing you to open up the tremors mechanism on a deep level.

Day 3

Sword Fighting

and Ice Bath

This day is about learning how to regulate your autonomic nervous system's stress responses in real time using communication and breathing. Experience working through activating scenarios in a safe, controlled manner to increase your stress resilience, confidence, and ability to explore self-regulation further.

Day 4

Bodywork Craniosacral

and Energy Work

This day is dedicated to gentler practices like Craniosacral Therapy, which brings you and your clients into deeper states of grounding and awareness, boosting the body's natural self-healing mechanisms.

Day 5

Feminine and Masculine


Explore different styles of interventions and modalities based on your clients' energetic composition, honoring their autonomic nervous system differences.

Listen to what the founder of TRE®, Dr. David Berceli has to say about his retreat experience

This is for you who:

  • Are a TRE® Provider, Provider Trainer, or Certification Trainer.
  • Seek to elevate your personal and professional skills to the next level.
  • Desire a deeper understanding and embodiment of TRE® and its integration with other modalities.
  • Are ready for a deep personal and professional transformation.

What can you expect:

  • Advanced TRE® training to deepen your interventions and practices.
  • Hands-on interventions from diverse bodywork modalities.
  • Visualization techniques for increased embodiment.
  • Skills to discern and apply both hard and soft interventions.
  • Integration of powerful modalities such as Breathwork, Craniosacral Work, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chi Nei-Tsang, and more.
  • A deeply transformative journey, both professionally and personally.
  • A private, intimate setting with only 4 participants per group, ensuring personalized expert training.

Results You can Expect:

  • Enhanced ability to blend somatic healing with other modalities.
  • New personal and professional experiences will enrich your TRE® practice.
  • A profound transformation from within, enhancing your capacity as a TRE® facilitator.
  • Tools and knowledge to guide your clients more effectively through their tremoring process.
  • A deeper journey within, elevating you both professionally and personally.


Date: November 10-16, November 17-23, November 24-30

Investment: $2222 per person ($1995 early bird - ends July 31) - accommodation and meals included

Upgrade your experience for more profound personal healing or professional guidance - 2 private sessions for $555

About Simba

Simba possesses a unique gift for tuning into the energies of those around him, providing extraordinary insights and guidance. As an expert in the nervous system and grounding, he seamlessly integrates these elements into all aspects of his teachings. His exceptional ability to prioritize the body and nervous system allows him to holistically address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of his clients.

With 25 years of expertise in bodywork and injuries, Simba has honed a particular understanding of how to listen and respond to each body's unique needs for self-healing. His approach is deeply intuitive, allowing him to uncover and address the root causes of physical ailments, leading to transformative healing experiences for his clients.

As a TRE® Certification Trainer and Craniosacral Therapy Bodyworker, Simba is an expert in the Somatic Healing Arts. His daily practice of somatic healing informs his unique approach to treating the body as a whole. This holistic view has led to miraculous client healing journeys, integrating physical treatments with profound emotional and spiritual insights. Simba holds over 100 certifications and diplomas in somatic healing, bodywork, energetics, physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), kinesiology, personal training, performance, and much more.

Simba's 35 years of Martial Arts training, competition, and teaching have endowed him with a deep understanding of physical mastery and discipline. Coupled with his role as an Energy Healer and Energy Practitioner of inner arts since the age of 11, he brings a rich tapestry of skills to his practice. His energy work complements his bodywork, allowing for a comprehensive healing experience.

As a natural empathic practitioner, Simba tunes into the needs of his students and clients with remarkable sensitivity. He lives a healing lifestyle, continually growing and learning, ensuring that his approach is always evolving. By connecting the body, mind, and spirit in all his sessions, he excels at identifying bodily blockages and gently guiding the body out of tension. His understanding of the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the body is exceptional, enabling him to address injuries, facilitate somatic release, and help clients overcome limiting beliefs and generational, societal, or cultural imprints.

Simba’s devotion to his personal and professional growth, combined with his vast experience, has earned him the title of the Grounding and Body Master among his students. His work is not just a practice; it’s a profound journey of healing and self-discovery, making him an invaluable guide for those seeking deep transformation.

About Simba

Simba possesses a unique gift for tuning into the energies of those around him, providing extraordinary insights and guidance. As an expert in the nervous system and grounding, he seamlessly integrates these elements into all aspects of his teachings. His exceptional ability to prioritize the body and nervous system allows him to holistically address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of his clients.

With 25 years of expertise in bodywork and injuries, Simba has honed a particular understanding of how to listen and respond to each body's unique needs for self-healing. His approach is deeply intuitive, allowing him to uncover and address the root causes of physical ailments, leading to transformative healing experiences for his clients.

As a TRE® Certification Trainer and Craniosacral Therapy Bodyworker, Simba is an expert in the Somatic Healing Arts. His daily practice of somatic healing informs his unique approach to treating the body as a whole. This holistic view has led to miraculous client healing journeys, integrating physical treatments with profound emotional and spiritual insights. Simba holds over 100 certifications and diplomas in somatic healing, bodywork, energetics, physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), kinesiology, personal training, performance, and much more.

Simba's 35 years of Martial Arts training, competition, and teaching have endowed him with a deep understanding of physical mastery and discipline. Coupled with his role as an Energy Healer and Energy Practitioner of inner arts since the age of 11, he brings a rich tapestry of skills to his practice. His energy work complements his bodywork, allowing for a comprehensive healing experience.

As a natural empathic practitioner, Simba tunes into the needs of his students and clients with remarkable sensitivity. He lives a healing lifestyle, continually growing and learning, ensuring that his approach is always evolving. By connecting the body, mind, and spirit in all his sessions, he excels at identifying bodily blockages and gently guiding the body out of tension. His understanding of the interconnectedness of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the body is exceptional, enabling him to address injuries, facilitate somatic release, and help clients overcome limiting beliefs and generational, societal, or cultural imprints.

Simba’s devotion to his personal and professional growth, combined with his vast experience, has earned him the title of the Grounding and Body Master among his students. His work is not just a practice; it’s a profound journey of healing and self-discovery, making him an invaluable guide for those seeking deep transformation.